Storm Water

Storm Water Can Quickly Become Wastewater

Storm Water

Human activity can have a large impact on storm water.  Litter, construction debris, spills and the like will adversely affect storm water. Never think of a sewer as a place for oil or trash.  You can help by following the Storm Water Management Program. We can further reduce the levels of pollution found in our water resources by taking the following actions.

Prevent illicit discharge – Because there is generally no treatment of storm water before it enters into a receiving stream, any illegal connection, dumping or tie-in to a storm sewer is considered an illicit discharge.

Examples include:

  • Sanitary wastewater (sewage)
  • Septic tank waste
  • Car wash, laundry and industrial wastewater
  • Improper disposal of automotive fluids and household toxins including motor oil, antifreeze or pesticides
  • Spills on roadways or other accidents
  • Contaminated groundwater

Additional Steps:

  • Dispose of all trash and recyclables in the proper receptacles and never place trash next to a full container
  • Take used oil to a local quick lube, auto shop or your municipal collection center
  • Carry a plastic bag when walking pets and dispose of pet waste in a trash can
  • Wash your car on your lawn so excess water, chemicals and dirt are filtered through grass and vegetation
  • When backpacking, bury human waste in a hole eight inches deep and at least 55 yards from a water source
  • When playing at the beach, change a baby’s diaper before swimming and use swim diapers for infants
  • Install garbage bins on your boat and never dump waste into the lake

Storm Water Management Program

Water Analysis
Water Conservation
Water Quality
Water Restrictions